WASHINGTON - The lawyer accidentally shot by Vice President Dick Cheney during a hunting trip was discharged from a hospital on Friday and told reporters he was sorry for all the trouble Cheney had faced over the past week.
Harry Whittington, wearing a suit and tie, gave a brief statement and didn’t take questions. His voice was a bit raspy but strong, and he had what appeared to be a line of scarring on his upper right eyelid and scrapes on his neck…
“My family and I are deeply sorry for everything Vice President Cheney and his family have had to deal with,” he said…
Christ, how pathetic are these people? I mean, the guy’s a big GOP booster and a friend of Dead Eye Dick Cheney. But Dick Cheney shoots the guy in the face, the liver, and the heart; the guy spends three days in the ICU before having a heart attack; and he gets out of the hospital with scars on his fucking eyelids and he says, “My family and I are sorry for the pain caused to Dick Cheney from him shooting me.”
If the guy’s got no ill will, fine. But he apologizes???
So we should all feel sympathy for the poor Cheneys and feel terrible, ourselves, for what we, the American people, have put the poor Cheneys through?
Well, my family and I are deeply sorry that there are people like Whittington out there, who are more than willing to get shot in the face and say shit like this. Like they’re comical dwarfs getting thrown off palace balconies for the amusement of powdered and drunken aristocrats.
They hit the lawn, facedown, with a sickening thud, and apologize for being so heavy that gravity pulled them down.
Cheney also defended his decision to keep it from the public until a day after it happened.
The vice president acknowledged that Bush press secretary Scott McClellan and Bush communications adviser Dan Bartlett urged him to release information about the accident quickly. But he said he made the ultimate decision to have the owner of the Texas ranch to reveal it to a local newspaper without any official announcement from the White House…
Really? Scott McClellan and Dan Bartlett urged Cheney to release the information quickly? When did they do that? Because according to the official White House Time Line of Event, finally pulled together on Wednesday, five days after the shooting, I read this:
February 12th
6 a.m.
The situation room awakens McClellan with a telephone call and informs him that Cheney was the shooter. McClellan pushes the vice president's office to inform the media quickly, he says later.
February 12th, at six a.m. is, of course, twelve hours after Cheney shot the guy in the face. And only a couple of hours before Armstrong, who didn't see anything at all, alerts the media with her eyewitness account--the "peppered" and "more bruised" than anything crapola.
But what happened before that? According to the White House timeline, on February 11th, the day Cheney shot the guy:
7:30 p.m.
The remainder of the hunting party returns to the ranch house. White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card tells President Bush that there has been a hunting accident, unaware at the time that the vice president was involved.
8 p.m.
After talking with Katharine Armstrong, whose family owns the ranch and who accompanied the hunting party, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove tells Bush that Cheney has shot Whittington.
Late night
The White House situation room notifies Bush spokesman Scott McClellan of an accident in Cheney's hunting party, but not who was involved.
So, at 7:30, on the eleventh, the White House is informed about an accident in Cheney's hunting party--and, again, the White House and your liberal media pretends that no one at that time bothered to ask what exactly happened in that hunting accident involving the Vice President--and, at 8 p.m., Karl Rove tells Bush Cheney shot a guy, and then, a mere ten hours later McClellan and Bartlett urge Cheney to immediately release information to the press!
Yes, twelve hours after Cheney shoots a guy, eleven hours after Bush finds out that there has been an accident involving Cheney's hunting party, ten hours after Karl Rove tells Bush Cheney was the shooter, McClellan and Bartlett urge Cheney to immediately release information to the press!
Oh! If only Cheney had heeded McClellan's advice and immediately released information to the media twelve hours after he shot his friend in the face and two hours before he finally met with police, instead of waiting eighteen hours to have a third party, who wasn't a witness at all, talk to the press!
None of this wild, irresponsible, and hurtful speculation would ever have occurred!
But Cheney, despite his grief and concern for his face-shot friend, and the urging of a White House that makes full and rapid release of information to the public a point of pride, Cheney deferred to the rights of property owners.
It was Armstrong's property. Someone got shot in the face there. Absent some kind of claim of eminent domain, it's really her story to tell. Unless Bush wants to build a stadium on her ranch, Cheney wasn't about to fuck with her property rights.
No matter what the cost to him or his family.
Cheney said he had had a beer at lunch that day but nobody was drinking when they went back out to hunt a couple hours later. Law enforcement officials ruled out alcohol as a factor.
Just in case you were wondering, just in case you had been reading loooooony left wing blogs, your liberal media just wants to make sure you aren't confused about any possibilities that have never, ever been raised in your liberal media.
Your liberal media can't stop telling you that alcohol played no role in Dick Cheney shooting his friend in the face. Though, if you watch TV or read the papers, no one, except the looooney left on the internet has even bothered to suggest three time DUI Cheney was drinking at the time he shot his friend in the face.
Yes, a lot of people like me have come out and said they have no doubt Cheney was drunk when he shot his friend in the face with a shotgun, but neither the New York Times, nor the Washington Post, nor network television has even suggested it.
All they've done, for a week, is continually assert that alcohol played no part! And Cheney, after five days of silence, immediately told Brit Hume that he had a beer, but alcohol played no part.
Christ, if alcohol played no part, and nobody but a bunch of left wing looooneys have even suggested it, why the full court press to rule out alcohol?
You read a lot of true crime stories? If you do, you find out guilty people always spring their alibies too early. Before anyone asks.
But I don't even care about that. And I don't even care about the oft repeated, ridiculous line that "law enforcement officials ruled out alcohol as a factor."
Law enforcement officials didn't rule dick out.
They didn't talk to Cheney until fourteen hours after Cheney shot the guy. Can you imagine if you had a head-on collision, sent some guy to the ICU for a couple of days, and you refused to talk to the police for fourteen hours? And later on, on television, you said you had a beer at lunch. Ya think the cops and your liberal media would say, "We've ruled out alcohol as a factor"???
They haven't ruled anything out. They don't know and they'll never know because they didn't talk to Cheney until the next day.
Maybe Cheney was drunk. Maybe he wasn't. Who can say? Only Cheney and his "hunting" party. But nobody else can say they've ruled out alcohol as a factor.
And then Cheney says he had a beer at lunch. One beer, two beers? But alcohol wasn't a factor.
I only had two beers.
The "two beers" line has been uttered so often that it's a joke among police officers. In 20 years of patrolling highways, Virginia State Police Trooper L.L. Parker has heard that slurred lie more times than she can remember.
"I don't know of any officer out here who, if you tell them you only had two beers, they'll tell you, "Okay, then, have a nice night,' " Parker said, chuckling. "But drunks, for whatever reason, they say it all the time..."
"Two beers," said Elizabeth Wingo, a supervisor in the D.C. attorney general's office. "Everyone says that. Then they come in and blow a point-one-four."
Yes. Here's Cheney who's been busted three times for DUI, who shoots a guy in the face on a day in which he admits he had something to drink, but alcohol has been ruled out as a factor because, aside from the cops not being able to talk to Cheney for fourteen hours, Cheney told Brit Hume he only had one beer.
Maybe not two. Maybe not the oldest line of drunk people in trouble everywhere. But probably still laugh out loud funny to real cops everywhere.
Sure, there was some beer there, and I drank some beer, and later on I accidently shot a guy in the face, but I only had one.
Alcohol ruled out!
Right. I only had one beer. It came in a small can, called a keg.
And who the fuck has one beer anyway? What's the point? Christ, if you're only going to have one beer, you're not going to have one beer at all--you're going to have a Coke.
Who has one beer?
But never mind that. Who cares? What still cracks me up is this:
7:50 p.m.
The Secret Service notifies the Kenedy County Sheriff's office of the incident. The sheriff requests the chance to talk to Cheney, and arrangements are made for an interview Sunday morning.
While earlier stories reported a fuller weirder tale:
Secret Service spokesman Eric Zahren said that about an hour after Cheney shot Whittington, the head of the Secret Service's local office called the Kenedy County sheriff to report the accident. "They made arrangements at the sheriff's request to have deputies come out and interview the vice president the following morning at 8 a.m. and that indeed did happen," Zahren said.
At least one deputy showed up at the ranch's front gate later in the evening and asked to speak to Cheney but was turned away by the Secret Service, Zahren said. There was some miscommunication that arrangements had already been made to interview the vice president, he said.
A guy has been shot in the face. He's been taken by ambulance to the hospital. Later, airlifted to a second hospital, where he's been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit in their trauma ward. From a gun shot.
And according to Cheney's people, and your liberal media, the cops, at the "sheriff's request" scheduled an interview the following morning. Which is, as you all know, pretty standard for a shooting which sends a guy to the hospital. Near death.
But even though the sheriff requested an interview the next day, for some crazy reason, one of his deputies missed the memo and showed up that night!
Apparently, Cheney would have been more than happy to talk to the cops right then and there, but the sheriff, at his request, would prefer to meet with Cheney the next day, and then some loose canon of a deputy just drove out to talk to the Vice President on his own!
There's one in every department. Some guy who's seen Dirty Harry or Murder At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue too many times. Maybe the guy was frustrated that Vince Foster's murderers walked scott free.
Whatever. This deputy, despite this sheriff's request, despite the alleged shooter being the Vice President of the United States, this deputy tried to take matters into his own hands.
But the Secret Service stopped him. Though it's a little unclear why. Again, according to early reports:
At least one deputy showed up at the ranch's front gate later in the
evening and asked to speak to Cheney but was turned away by the Secret
Service, Zahren said. There was some miscommunication that arrangements
had already been made to interview the vice president, he said.
I've read that a couple of times, and I'm still not sure I understand it.
"There was some miscommunication"...
What was it?
According to the White House, early in the evening, the Secret Service notified the sheriff that Cheney had shot his friend in the face. According to the White House, the sheriff, at his insistence, scheduled an appointment the following morning to talk to Cheney. Later on in the evening, a deputy shows up and wants to talk to Cheney about shooting his friend in the face.
The Secret Service turns the guy away.
We're told that there was some kind of "miscommunication".
In the sheriff's department???
Some rinky dink sheriff's department in Texas--even if it's a huge rinky dink sheriff's department in Texas--gets notified that the Vice President of the United States just shot a guy and the fucking deputies aren't clear on what the plan is???
Some deputies think, "Well, what the heck, I'm in the neighborhood, I might as well drop in on the Vice President and see what he has to say"???
Or was the confusion with the Secret Service? They thought deputies would be coming by the next day and, therefore, turned away deputies that night?
And you can see how that could innocently happen. The Secret Service is well aware that Cheney just shot a guy--they were the ones, allegedly that notified the sheriff. And they know that the sheriff needs to talk to Cheney. But when a deputy shows up on Saturday night, they turn him away. They refuse to let him talk to the Vice President.
Because, I guess, they thought deputies would be coming the following morning. And the Cheney people, despite the urging of McClellan and Bartlett, didn't let the Secret Service know that Cheney would be more than happy to talk to the cops as soon as possible, since the shooting of his friend in the face was a simple hunting accident and alcohol was definitely not involved.
Though, that's weird. Because, again, the Secret Service were well aware of what happened. And since, as far as I know, the Secret Service are all wired and mic'ed. You know, if a deputy shows up, when he's not supposed to, in a car that clearly identifies him as a deputy, and he's got identification showing him to be a deputy, which can easily be confirmed, and that deputy wants to talk about something that the Secret Service knows has happened and which the Vice President needs to talk about--why send the guy away?
Why not just call the Cheney compound or whatever it was and say, "Hey, the cops are here." Why not just invite the guy in for a cup of coffee and a four minute interview with the Vice President? It was, after all, a simple hunting accident.
With no alcohol involved.
Cheney could have talked to the guy. Told him the simple, understandable circumstances, signed an autograph, and the renegade deputy would have been on his way in ten minutes.
Why didn't Cheney talk to him? What was the "miscommunication"? How, in light of the small sheriff's office, and the thoroughly wired Secret Service could there possibly be a "miscommunication"?
Hunting accidents do happen. They happen every fall, every year. Though, nearly every hunter I know tells me they only happen because someone is an idiot.
But, again, why, if it was a simple hunting accident, it this story so fucked up and weird? Why is it so conflicted? Why is it so bizarre?
The only answer is: because it's not true.
True stories are really easy to tell. And people tell them right away. And they keep telling them the same way.
Bullshit stories change from day to day. Like this one. And the stories change as people point out what's stupid about them.
Like this one.
And I don't know what really happened. And I don't even care. Again, aside from the guy who got shot in the face, it's just been funny to me. It would be irrelevant.
Nobody elected Cheney Vice Safe Hunter. We, Americans, don't pay Cheney to hunt responsibly.
If he wants to go out every weekend, with his girlfriend, Pamela Willeford, get loaded, and shoot the shit out of the skyline, occassionally hitting close friends, I couldn't care less.
That's nothing compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars he's cost Americans and the tens of thousands of Americans he's gotten killed, crippled or wounded with his bullshit war.
Christ, a weekend Dick Cheney only puts one of his friends in the hospital is a weekend all Americans should feel grateful for.
What's amazing to me is that it took an entire week for the White House and Cheney and Republicans in general to get their bullshit story straight for a simple hunting accident. And after taking an entire week, with conflicting stories and objectively untrue statements and bizarre unbelievable theories, after all of that, we're told it was just a simple hunting accident and anyone who suggested anything else was just crazy!
Wild speculation!
A simple hunting accident takes five seconds to explain. You can explain it right away.
Even if you're the Vice President of the United States.
Nothing, that is simple and straightforward, and legal, and blameless takes five days to explain.
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