Lou Dobbs is starting to make sense to me:
NEW YORK (CNN) -- This Republican-led, do-nothing Congress is on its way home for a five-week vacation. I'm sure while there, they'll be glad to explain to their constituents why they need so much rest in a year in which they will work fewer than 80 days.
The Republicans in Congress have little to brag about when they return home...
Well, that's not quite true, is it, Lou? I mean, they did manage, at a time of record setting deficits amounting to a national debt of nearly 9 trillion dollars, for which they had to raise the debt limit for the fourth time in five years, to waste hundreds of thousands--if not millions or tens of millions--of taxpayer dollars calling for idiotically meaningless and childish and pointless votes on our national language, gay marriage, the Pledge of Allegiance, non-existant flag burning, taxing pimps and whores, and throwing up any conceivable roadblock they can come up with to raising the minimum wage for the poorest working Americans.
Oh, also, they approved another pay raise for themselves.
And they managed to do all that while there's a fucking war on!
No, not the one in Lebanon, which they've gone out of their way to ignore. And, no, not the one in Afghanistan, which they haven't mentioned since they had to remind the Bush administration to not forget to remember it. And, no, not the War on Terra, which Congress has spent so little time overseeing that the incompetent, croney criminals at the Department of Homeland Security were able to designate Petting Zoos, kangeroo conservatories, and bean festivals as more likely terrorist targets than New York City.
No, not those wars that Congress was completely doing nothing about, while giving themselves a raise. I'm talking about the war in Iraq, the one costing taxpayers 300 billion dollars and twenty thousand crippled and dead soldiers, which Congress is also doing nothing about, while giving themselves a raise.
So, yes, this Republican Congress has been the worst legislative branch of our gubment in the history of what was once a pretty decent country, but, Lou, they haven't done nothing.
As horrible as the Bush administration is, even it couldn't fuck the world and the country up so bad in such a short time by itself. This Congress helped.
And the Democrats have a lot of explaining to do, as well. Once the party of the New Deal, Fair Deal and Great Society, the party of working men and women, the Democrats are now buried as deeply in the pockets of their corporate masters as are the Republicans.
The Democratic Party has played a major role in helping to pass legislation that is grossly injurious to middle-class Americans and their families. This Congress, Republican-led with complicit Democrats, has cut $13 billion in college-student aid, passed numerous free-trade agreements that threaten good-paying jobs and approved an unconscionable bankruptcy law written by credit-card companies that is nothing less than a federal government heel in the neck of American families bankrupted by catastrophic illness and crushing medical bills.
And all that's true. And it's hideous. And your "liberal" media hardly mentions it at all. In fact, when The People your horrendous Congress is supposed to represent rise up, entirely on their own, and decide to throw out the bums who have been so complicit in this daylight robbery of your national treasury and the disgrace of your country's good name, your "liberal" media calls it an inquisition, a purge, a witch hunt, and a battle for the very soul of the Democratic party.
Well, there's no doubt that this has been the worst Congress in the history of the United States. And there's no doubt that this horrendously corrupt and worthless, and often stupid Congress has been the indespensible enabler of the Worst President Evah.
And there's no doubt that many--far too many--Democrats have been complicit in the horrendous shit this disgustingly incestuous, inbred oligarchy has shoved down the throats of the unwilling majority of Americans.
But, Lou, the Democrats played a major role? The Democrats cast deciding votes?
Lou, the Democrats couldn't stop shit if each and every single last one of them wanted to.
There's no major. There's no deciding. They've got 44 votes in the Senate and 201 votes in the House. Christ, if they all called each other the night before and swore some kind of blood oath, they couldn't stop someone from closing a window on a hot day.
They can't do shit.
Is it wrong for a bunch of assholes like Leiberman and Biden to cast meaningless votes for the very worst gubment the American people have ever had to endure?
Fuck, yeah. And God have mercy on what's left of their corrupted souls.
But complicit? Did I say complicit?
You have to have the ability to stop something before you can become complicit in letting it happen. Laying down while some lunatic drives a bulldozer over you is not exactly being complicit in your own murder.
No, Lou, you're still a crazy asshole.
This lousy gubment, and its endless littany of appalling failures, is all on the modern Gee Oh Pee.
Every pint of blood, every single trillion dollar.
What was I thinking?
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