ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE - President Bush on Thursday stood by his demand for legal protection for phone companies that help the government eavesdrop on suspected terrorists, saying he sees no prospect of a compromise with congressional Democrats…
If phone companies need legal protection for helping the government eavesdrop on suspected terrorists, why on Earth doesn't Bush ask for that? Why is he asking for legal protection for phone companies who help the government eavesdrop on Americans???
Oh, that's right! I forgot.
Because he's the Worst President Evah and the least son of the Worst American Family.
In the meantime, a temporary surveillance law adopted by Congress last summer expired at midnight last Saturday. House Republicans and three dozen Democrats voted against extending it last week in hopes of pressuring House Democrats into adopting the Senate bill."It's positively Orwellian that the president forgets that he's the one who blocked an extension of the warrantless wiretapping program," said Jim Manley, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat.
Asked about a potential deal with Democrats, Bush said, "I would just tell you there's no compromise on whether these phone companies get liability protection." The administration says it needs the help of the phone companies for its post-Sept. 11, 2001, surveillance.
Bush said his strategy for breaking the deadlock on the surveillance bill will be to keep talking about why it should be passed on his terms. "The American people understand we need to be listening to the enemy," he said.
Yes, they do. They also understand that they are not The Enemy. And about eighty percent of Americans now understand that anyone trying to foist this bullshit on them might possibly be.
If Democrats don't stomp this lame-duck loser Gestapo horseshit back down into the dirt where it belongs, then they don't deserve to run the gubment any more than the pedophiles, and perverts, and drug addicts, and criminals who make up the modern Gee Oh Pee.
I wonder what its going to take to get the average Murikan to even get a clue about this stuff? The only thing that seems to have gotten their attention is the economy, and that didn't take much more than passing Econ 101 to see this particular shitstorm was coming even 2 years ago.
Too bad 60 Minutes runs opposite the Oscars tonight since the illegal conviction and jailing of the Democratic Gov from Alamaba might actually be something that gets some attention, but no, there are gowns to see, quips to be made, potential boobies escaping from gowns!
Posted by: Kit E | February 24, 2008 at 11:35 AM