Mitt Romney pulled off an interesting bit of U.N.-bashing today, calling upon the United States to withdraw from a United Nations council that the United States isn't a part of to begin with."The United Nations has been an extraordinary failure of late," Romney said during a South Carolina campaign stop. "We should withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council."
There's one problem: The United States already boycotts the Human Rights Council, and has not sought a seat on it.
I don't mind the idealogical differences. I really don't. Despite what batty, old David Broder "thinks", a difference of opinion is healthy in a democracy. I'm totally okay that Republicans have different opinions than me.
But do they have to be so fucking dumb? Do they always have to be fucking idiots?
This caused an aide to clarify the remarks by saying what Romney really meant is that the U.S. should stop any possible financial support for the council.
And laughable liars?
Romney also said he would support an alternative to the United Nations, an all-new "coalition of the free nations of the world and bring those nations together so that we can act together.""We should develop some of our own — if you will — forums and alliances or groups that have the ability to actually watch out for the world and do what's right," Romney said.
Gee, Mitt, you great big hunk of stupid, we already did that. It was called the Coalition of the Willing, and it included Eritrea, Micronesia, and Tonga--not to mention at least fifteen nations who would prefer to remain anonymous. And that moral force for good did what's right by enabling the Great United States to embark on a totally illegal and unjustified war and had the ability to act together with Great United States by providing about seven soldiers to help out.
Also, they didn't have any money. Actually, we had to pay them to join.
Also, Eritrea had to drop out because it was a totally terrorist sponsoring state.
It was a total fiasco that didn't do what's right and robbed America of it's credibility and moral authority, and goodwill around the world.
So, yeah, Mitt, that's the sort of thing, brought together by another stupid Republican president, the Great United States and the world really needs. Again.
With original and innovative ideas like that maybe we can occupy Vietnam again!
He's literally recycling yesterday's disasters for tomorrow's possibilities.
What an idiot.
Hey, Mitt is a business GENIUS, haven't you heard? Being a business genius in the US means reinventing the wheel with just the right amount of difference from the prior version; just enough to get out of the patent issues, but not enough to appreciably change the function. And you get paid millions if you're the boardroom guy who comes up with the NEW, IMPROVED, NOW WITH LESS LEAD product. Mitt's just doing what he knows best. Inefficiency is rewarded at the top; it's what all those CEO salaries are based on.
Posted by: Kit E | October 21, 2007 at 12:05 PM