The question is: Are Gee Oh Pee members of the House of Representatives the stupidest people on God's green Earth?
GOP Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia has sent a letter to Oversight Committee chair Henry Waxman demanding a probe into the "scandal."
"It is time for The New York Times to answer publicly, on the record, and under oath for its conduct," Davis writes. "You have repeatedly challenged the public statements of administration and private industry officials and sought testimony under oath. It is time for you to give equal treatment to The New York Times."
Okay, just for a minute, try to forget that while Tom Davis has been a Representative, he has not called for a single House hearing into:
1) the deliberate manipulation of intelligence used to take our nation into war;
2) the appalling incompetence with which the reconstruction of Iraq has been handled;
3) the tens of billions of taxpayer dollars which have been awarded to private contractors without competitve bidding for the reconstruction of Iraq, Katrina, and Homeland Security;
4) the nine billion dollars of taxpayer money that just completely vanished in Iraq; or
5) the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that killed over 2000 Americans.
Tom also hasn't called for hearings on a lot of other things, including Gee Oh Pee Congressmen getting bribed on the floor of the House, Gee Oh Pee Congressmen selling defense contracts for hookers and yachts, multiple federal agencies being rendered entirely disfunctional by Gee Oh Pee cronyism and corruption, White House officials outing covert operatives, White House officials lying about outing covert operatives, torture, kidnapping, coup d'etats, deals with terrorists, deals with nations who sponsor terrorists(including al Qaeda!), letting terrorists go free, the Vice President shooting a man in the face and then refusting to be interviewed by police for 24 hours, or all the freaks and perverts and child molesters who make up the Values Voting Caucus of the Gee Oh Pee, and on and on and on.
Never mind that Tom wasn't interested in a lot of that gubment waste and corruption, particularly in gubment contracts because Tom was chairman of the Government Reform Subcommittee on Technology and Procurement Policy, which was responsible for oversight of billions of dollars of taxpayer money doled out to gubment contractors, over which Tom held about zero hearings.
And never mind that Tom was also the chair of the House Government Reform Committee, whose responsibility was government contracting in support of the war in Iraq--that's the war where nine billion dollars disappeared without a hearing from Tom Davis.
Never mind all that. Let's focus on what's fundamentally wrong with Tom Davis asking the Oversight Committee to hold hearings on what the New York Time's Public Editor called a violation of its own internal policies.
Lets think about it.
Even assuming the Public Editor is right. Even assuming that the New York Times advertising departement violated its own internal policies, why wouldn't that be a matter for the House Oversight Committee to hold hearings?
Could it be that the New York Times is not part of the Federal fucking government???
And the House Oversight Committee has jurisdiction to oversee the workings of the Federal government.
I know, I know--it seems like in the last six years, certain members of the Times, like Bill Keller, Judith Miller or Elizabeth Bumiller, actually were paid employees of the White House. But they're not. At least, I think they're not.
Maybe we should have some House Oversight hearings to make sure they're not.
But absent those hearings, we have to presume the New York Times is not a branch of the federal gubment. And, as such, the House Oversight Committee has about as much jurisdiction to hold hearings on the Time's internal advertising policies as it does to hold hearings on why my checkbook is out of balance.
It is not the job of the House Oversight Committee to hold hearings as to why private citizens are not adhering to their self imposed rules and regulations. It is the job of the House Oversight Committee to hold hearings to determine whether the Federal government is adhering to the United States Code and the Constitution.
I'm not going to call Tom Davis a corrupt, disingenuous fraud. Because it's entirely possibly that Tom Davis truly doesn't understand the concept of Congressional oversight, since, as a Congressional chair, he never exercised any.
And I'm not going to call him one of the stupidest people on God's green Earth for being a Congressman who doesn't understand the role of Congress.
So, no, the stupidest people on God's green Earth are not Gee Oh Pee members of the People's House.
The stupidest people on God's green Earth are the people who keep voting for douchebags like Tom Davis to represent them in the greatest government in the history of mankind.
Oh, also Joe and Jay Paterno.
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