MEREDITH, N.H. - Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani on Monday accused Democrats of favoring a controlling "nanny government" as he continued his bashing of the rival party…Last week, Giuliani called the Democrats the "party of losers" and singled out Edwards and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama for criticism on economics and foreign policy.
Giuliani argued that he favors less government and lower taxes.
"That's what makes America great, not this nanny government that Democrats want to give us, where government controls your entire life," he said.
Wow! That’s some tough talk. And even though America’s Mayor just called the majority of Americans losers, I’m sure he won’t be roundly criticized by the liberal media for rabid partisanship or undue incivility.
Because he’s just so darn manly!
Unlike those girly Democrats, who want a wet nurse for President instead of a scary daddy Chris Matthews could imagine getting spanked by.
Over and over, and over again…
No, Democrats are such losers they want a government that controls their whole lives! They want a government that gives them a job, and pays for their healthcare, looks out for their well-being, and provides for them in their old age. And they want the taxpayers to pick up the tab for it all!
And people like that make Rudy Giuliani sick.
Looooooooosers! Says Giuliani. Because a winner and a real man doesn’t need the government to provide him his livlihood, or his health care, or his retirement. A real man would never ask the taxpayers to foot the bill for his entire life!
Instead, we should all follow Rudy's example:
Upon graduation, Rudy Giuliani clerked for Judge Lloyd MacMahon, United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York. In 1970, Giuliani joined the office of the U.S. Attorney. At age 29, he was named Chief of the Narcotics Unit and rose to serve as executive US Attorney. In 1975, Giuliani was recruited to Washington, D.C., where he was named Associate Deputy Attorney General and chief of staff to the Deputy Attorney General. From 1977 to 1981, Giuliani returned to New York to practice law at Patterson, Belknap, Webb and Tyler.In 1981, Giuliani was named Associate Attorney General, the third highest position in the Department of Justice. As Associate Attorney General, Giuliani supervised all of the US Attorney Offices' Federal law enforcement agencies, the Bureau of Corrections, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the US Marshals.
In 1983, Giuliani was appointed US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, where he spearheaded the effort to jail drug dealers, fight organized crime, break the web of corruption in government, and prosecute white-collar criminals. Few US Attorneys in history can match his record of 4,152 convictions with only 25 reversals.
Wait! There's more:
In 1989, Giuliani entered the race for mayor of New York City as a candidate of the Republican and Liberal parties, losing by the closest margin in City history. However in 1993, his campaign focusing on quality of life, crime, business and education made him the 107th Mayor of the City of New York. In 1997 he was re-elected by a wide margin, carrying four out of New York City's five boroughs.
See? That's how a winner does it! He graduates from college and then spends sixteen out of the next twenty years of his life working a job provided by the federal government, which also provided him with extremely generous taxpayer funded health care and a pension for his old age.
Then, in 1989, he left federal government service to boldly strike out on his city government service!
True, he didn't get the government job he so desperately wanted in 1989, and was, instead, forced to trade in on all his government provided contacts and accept a lowly starting position with a law a partner.
But man's man that he is, in 1992, he jumped right back on that horse--the one he calls "Nanny"--and once again got himself a government job and government provided healthcare for the next eight years. He probably got himself a second pension, so that the government could take care of him in his old age.
But, after eight more years, slaving away for an all controlling nanny government that had controlled his salary, his healthcare, his retirement, and provided him with a home for both his wife and his girlfriend, Rudy had had enough!
In an interview taped Tuesday with CBS and broadcast Wednesday on 60 Minutes 2, Giuliani was more straightforward about his desire to continue as mayor past December 31, when his term ends."I am open to the idea of doing it," he said.
Unfortunately, the People of New York City--the majority of whom are looooooosers--were not.
And so Rudy for the third time in thirty two years, would have to actually have to get a job not provided by the government. What to do? What could a fiercly independent, big government disdaining, self made man like Giuliani do?
Well, he could run for the Senate!
Too bad that third marriage and the Farmersville Garbage Scandal screwed that up.
But for a macho winner like Giuliani, who's always looking for ways to have government play a smaller role in people's lives, there's always a taxpayer subsidized silver government lining to every taxpaying voter cloud.
Rudy boldly strode off into the private sector and made himself a multimillionaire...on government contracts!
On Dec. 7, 2001, nearly three months after the terrorist attack that had made him a national hero and a little over three weeks before he would leave office, New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani took the first official step toward making himself rich.The letter he dispatched to the city Conflicts of Interest Board that day asked permission to begin forming a consulting firm with three members of his outgoing administration. The company, Giuliani said, would provide "management consulting service to governments and business" and would seek out partners for a "wide-range of possible business, management and financial services" projects…
Famously loyal, Giuliani chose as his partners longtime associates, including a former police commissioner later convicted of corruption, a former FBI executive who admitted taking artifacts from Ground Zero and a former Roman Catholic priest accused of covering up sexual abuse in the church.
Giuliani, grounded in the intricately connected world of New York politics, has been more than adept at making the system work for his clients. They have included a pharmaceutical company that, with Giuliani's help, resolved a lengthy Drug Enforcement Administration investigation with only a fine; a confessed drug smuggler who hired Giuliani to ensure his security company could do business with the federal government; and the horse racing industry, eager to recover public confidence after a betting scandal.
And, now, after an entire lifetime of making a living off of federal and city governments, Rudy is once again looking for a government provided job, with government provided healthcare, and a generous government provided pension to care for him in his old age.
Did I mention that the "nanny" federal government also kept Rudy safe and secure and out of service in Viet Nam because he was performing the "essential" war time job of clerking for a federal district judge?
In 1969, MacMahon wrote a letter to Giuliani's draft board, asking that he be reclassified as 2-A, civilian occupation deferment, because Giuliani, who was a law clerk for MacMahon, was an essential employee. The deferment was granted.
And now he mocks the looooooosers who want government to actually work for the people who pay for it? Instead of jerks like him who have made an entire lifetime out of sucking on the government tit?
In the last forty years, Rudy Giuliani, by himself, has benefitted more from the federal government than my entire extended family has in one hundred and fifty years.
In fact, there is very nearly no one alive in this country today who has been better taken care of for an entire lifetime by the government than Rudy Giuliani.
Except maybe Dick Cheney.
But he hates big government, too.
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