WASHINGTON - An unclassified summary of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame's employment history at the spy agency, disclosed for the first time today in a court filing by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, indicates that Plame was "covert" when her name became public in July 2003.
I can't even believe this is a news story. I mean, actually, I can, but I don't want to.
The fact that this story is news which seems to prove one thing actually only proves an entirely different thing: that the right wing Noise Machine is so loud and so omnipresent, and its ridiculous claims are so readily given credence by the "liberal" media that it routinely makes the most painfully self-evident facts of modern American life issues of controversy.
Let's review:
(CBS/AP) The Justice Department has launched a full-blown criminal investigation into who leaked the name of a CIA officer, and President Bush directed his White House staff on Tuesday to cooperate fully with the probe…
The investigation stems from a CIA complaint two months ago that one of its agent's identities had been disclosed.
That's an article from September of 2003. There are many more like it. They state the simple fact that the CIA made a complaint to the Justice Department that a covert operative's identity was intentionally disclosed.
True, the article goes on to say that the CIA makes about 50 of those complaints a year and few ever go beyond a preliminary investigation. But common sense tells us that few go beyond preliminary investigations because there's no evidence that the revelation of a covert operatives identity was intentional.
You have to be about the world's biggest moron to think that few investigations ever go beyond preliminary investigations because the CIA doesn't know whether its operatives are covert or not.
If the CIA complains to the Justice Department that a covert operative's covert status has been intentionally compromised, the one thing you can be sure of is that the operative was covert.
Why else would the CIA complain??? So that the Justice Department could investigate and helpfully inform the CIA whether their own agents are covert or not???
Dear "liberal media" and 28 percenters: the CIA knows which agents it employs are covert. The CIA makes them covert.
The second the CIA complained to the Justice Department the question of Valery Plame's covert status was definitively answered.
If you weren't a moron or so emotionally wed to George W. Bush that you could comfortably divorce yourself from reality and disown a lifetime's worth of common sense and experience.
So, it's great that the question of Plame's status is redundantly answered. But it's endlessly depressing that your "liberal" media thinks this is news.
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