WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush set out a new approach Wednesday in the wake of what he called a "thumping" for Republicans in the midterm elections…
Bush also charted a new direction for the Pentagon, saying he would nominate former CIA Director Bob Gates to replace Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, whose resignation also was announced Wednesday.
How sad is that?
It wasn’t just Republican Congressmen who took a “thumping” yesterday. Apparently, the few remaining grown-ups in the modern Republican party grabbed the Oedipal Boy King by his hair and dragged him out behind the woodshed, pulled down his short pants and gave him The Spanking That Was Six Years In The Making.
Negroponte in Iraq? Gates at the Pentagon? James Baker heading the Iraq Study Group? What’s next? Maybe Brent Scowcroft can be persuaded to run the NSA.
The Worst President Ever has come full circle. And, once again, his daddy’s friends are pulling him out of a horrendous mess.
F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote, “There are no Second Acts in American lives.” And I have no idea what he meant by that. Plus, Fitzgerald spent a good deal of his American life nearly as drunk as Bush. Also, he had a wife who was batshit crazy and costing him a fortune.
That can’t help a guy write down stuff that makes sense.
But there are Third Acts in American lives. And the Disaster Monkey just blundered into his.
The play’s a tragedy, if you haven’t figured that out already.
Democrats will take over the House of Representatives in January, and while control of the Senate hangs on a pivotal race in Virginia still too close to call, Bush said he would work with whomever was in charge.
Big words from a man who’s really got no say in the matter.
But he looked forward rather than back. "The message yesterday was clear: The American people want their leaders in Washington to set aside partisan differences, conduct ourselves in an ethical manner and work together to address the challenges facing our nation."
No, George. Take the banana out of your ear. The message the American people screamed at you yesterday was: They want an entirely partisan Congress to stop you from fucking up the world and our country.
I imagine that was the same message your dad’s friends imprinted on your naughty little heiny.
Bush said two areas where he hoped to find common ground with a Democrat-led House were the minimum wage and immigration reform -- an issue where a Republican Congress had not seen eye-to-eye with the White House.
"We can work together over the next two years," the president said…
And if Democrats work with Bush on anything except somehow fixing the giant costly, bloody suckhole that is Iraq then every right thinking person in this country needs to get together and form a third party—I suggest the We’re Not Morons Party—and then vote the remaining Democrats and Republicans out of office entirely in two more years.
George W. Bush and the modern Republican Party had six years to “work together” with Democrats. But George W. Bush and the modern Republican Party didn’t have to, and so they didn’t.
They steamrolled Democrats.
They put politics above policy. They jammed the Patriot Act down our throats at a time when Americans were so traumatized and frightened by the September 11th attacks that no meaningful debates on the merits of the horrendous thing could be held.
They forced votes on the disasterous Iraq War Resolution a month before mid term elections—even though the Bush administration wouldn’t take it’s weakass phoney baloney case for war to the U.N. for months.
They bent and broke House rules to pass crappy laws.
And when Democrats couldn't be steamrolled, and the rules couldn't be bent or broken to get around those pesky Democrats, Republicans simply threatened to throw the rules out altogether.
They gavelled hearings closed while debate was still going on. They hid committee meetings so Democrats couldn't even find them. When conservative Democrats, like Tom Daschle pledged their support for the Preznit, they were rewarded by being specifically targeted by a White House that "couldn't be happier" to defeat them.
And how were these Democrats defeated? Decorated and hideously crippled veterans were morphed into Osama bin Laden. They were accused of shooting teenagers in the back, when not shooting themselves. The Vice President said terrorists support the Democratic Party. The Preznit, himself, said Democrats--American politicians--can't be trusted to defend America.
And to make sure Democrats stayed defeated, Republicans broke more rules and redistricted in Texas and Colorado and where ever to insure that a minority of voters not only held a majority in the Senate, but in the House, as well.
They also leaned on the money men to make sure their Thousand Year Reich--sorry--their permanent Republican majority stayed permanent.
They called "bipartisanship" date rape.
And after all that bullshit, after six years of infantile, ridiculously stupid, dishonest, malevolent horseshit, oops! They lost at least one House of Congress!
And, now, ahem, Bush hopes, you know, that we can all, um, rise above, (cough, cough), petty partisanship and, like, work together and whatnot, for, you know, the good of this great nation, etcetera, etceterat, yaddity, yaddity, yaddity.
Fuck that.
If Democrats do that, they're as stupid as Karl Rove--and, oh, yeah, and can we now, finally, stop pretending Karl Rove is a genius? He's a one trick poney and a highschool prankster who made a career out of America's worst tragedy.
Christ, he lost in 2000. He probably lost in 2004. And then suffered the worst asskicking since the post-Watergate blowout. If they had a fantasy political league, I'd trade eight Karl Roves for a single James Carville.
Democrats should do whatever they can to end the catastrophe that is Iraq.
Then they should repeal the stupid No Child Left Behind thing, the horrific "Patriot Act", any remaining Bush tax "cuts", the Medicare fiasco, and that awful bankruptcy bill.
Erase this awful accidental President completely.
And, if they hold both houses of Congress, they should pass an act making all federal elections completely tax payer funded. Get rid of the PACs, get rid of K-street, and make your representatives answerable to no one but you. No more buying Congressmen, no more buying votes. At all. Just American representatives representing Americans.
And then they should re-instate the Fairness Doctrine.
That's it.
That should be their agenda. Fix Iraq. Fix federal elections. And fix the massive modern Republican disinformation machine.
Do that, and everything else will fall into place.
Don't do that. And, in six or eight more years, the American people are going to need a brand new party.
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