President Bush explaining how science, one day, will be able mush Rice, Cheney, and himself into one single space-saving, executive moron.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush declared Lebanon a front in the "global war on terrorism" Monday, equating the Israeli battle against Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas to the U.S.-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq...
Bush compared the Israeli battle against Hezbollah with the American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Wow. I was not aware he used the words "forgotten", "bungled" and "horribly ill-conceived".
I bet the Israelis are pissed!
He warned Iran against meddling in both Lebanon and Iraq, where U.S. troops are battling a persistent insurgency and trying to stave off a Sunni-Shiite civil war more than three years after the 2003 invasion.
"In both these countries, Iran is backing armed groups in the hope of stopping democracy from taking hold," he said.
"The message of this administration is clear: America will stay on the offense against al Qaeda. Iran must stop its support for terror," he said…
Can you believe it? Can you believe it?
Iran is now al Qaeda.
al Qaeda used to be al Qaeda. Until Bush turned Iraq into al Qaeda. Even though bin Laden himself called Saddam an infidel.
And now, Iran is al Qaeda. Even though bin Laden, a Sunni, hates the Iranians more than Saddam and calls them "Shia dogs".
The message of this administration is clear: we don't give a flying fuck about al Qaeda. At all.
And they don't. They really don't. al Qaeda is in Pakistan. Under the protection of the Pakistanis. The worst nuclear proliferators in the history of the world--who do you think the Iranians got the nuclear technology from?--and whose ISI trained and armed and supported the Taliban.
If al Qaeda is going to get the Bomb from anyone, it's going to be Pakistan.
But has Bush gone after Pakistan? Hell, no! Christ, he gave our "good friends" the Pakistanis another couple billion dollars in military aid to reward them for aiding and arming terrorists and passing out nuclear secrets.
In the last five years, the only people Bush has gone after are people bin Laden hates. If you're in the Arab world, and you'd like to not be attacked by the Bush administration, the safest place for you to be is in al Qaeda.
Bush will never go after you, then.
The administration resisted international calls for an immediate cease-fire, which it said would not have addressed the underlying causes of the conflict.
"We want peace," he said. "We're not interested in process. We want results."
And because you're not interested in process, your results suck. Where in the world does this jackass think results come from? Banging his hand on the table and talking loud?
I bet Bush does want "results". We all want "results". Why wouldn't we? An endless litany of failure gets a little boring after a while.
My God, isn't everyone sick to death of these idiots lecturing us on "results" when they haven't managed, in six long years, to achieve one single decent result? In anything?
Bush said Iran "provides Hezbollah with financial support, weapons and training."
"Iran has made clear that it seeks the destruction of Israel," he said. "We can only imagine how much more dangerous this conflict would be if Iran had the nuclear weapon it seeks."
Yes, because maybe then Hezbollah would have had a nukular weapon and they could have thrown it at the Israelis. A couple hundred Palestinians could have gotten together, in parallel lines, and rocked a nuclear weapon back and forth and then, at the count of three, heaved it seven feet into Israel.
And I'm sure Hezbollah would liked to have nuked Israel. Because then the Palestinians could have realized their dreams of returning to their ancestral homes. In lead spacesuits. And grown the world's biggest fucking olives.
Of course, you couldn't eat them for a hundred and twenty thousand years.
I'm not one to really throw around the "impeach" word that often. Mostly, I just wanted this blithering, dishonest idiot and his insane, incompetent clown posse voted out of office. And when that didn't happen, when Bush staged a surprising historic victory over the exit polls, I just wanted him politically crippled so he would stop destroying the federal gubment and creating chaos around the globe.
And he's been politically crippled. He's the least popular president of all time.
And he's been politically and geopolitically humiliated. He's been pantsed on the world stage. And then underpantsed when he got home.
He's a disaster, wrapped in a catastrophe, inside a nightmare.
And he's got two years to do something--anything--right before America commemorates his presidency by minting butt plugs with his face on them so that Americans can continue to not only figuratively experience the painful national violation that was the Bush Administration, but we can do it literally as well. Long after he's gone, but his debt and chaos remain.
For decades.
But he's incorrigible. He doesn't care. He hates Americans so much he'll say anything to them, he thinks we're so damn dumb. And even if we're not, he's got so much contempt for the Power of the People, he probably gets a bigger kick out of lying right to our faces and getting caught, all the while knowing we can't do anything about it anyway.
Two hundred million Americans better show up in November. Angry. And informed. Because this guy has got to go.
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