WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Senate began debate Monday on a proposed constitutional amendment that would prohibit the desecration of the American flag, the latest in a series of election-year votes pushed by the chamber's Republican leaders.
What is that now? Is that it?
We've had homos, Mexicans, the national language, and now flag burners.
That's got to be it. That's got to be every single last bullshit thing Republicans can think of to gin up the rubes during an election year. Shit that's got fuck all to do with the federal gubment, shit that's got fuck all to do with making your lives any better or worse, and shit that Republicans, who control every single branch of our gubment, do anything about when it isn't an election year.
Oh, no, I'm sorry. Abortion. Get ready for some kind of draconian abortion law. Or dumbass non-binding, un-Constitutional resolution on abortion. It's coming.
Maybe some jackass will propose Schiavo's Law to protect the millions of Americans who have absolutely no cognitive function--the Gee Oh Pee base--and no hope of ever getting any.
It's pathetic.
I was born when Lyndon Johnson was Preznit. I've lived through 8 different American Preznits. I've lived in four different states, eleven different towns, three big cities, a couple of smaller ones, and I have never, ever, ever seen one stupid asshole actually burn an American flag in my entire life. In person, in America.
And I've never, ever, ever seen as many people burning American flags as I've seen when I watch George W. Bush travel outside the country.
If the Congress would like people to stop burning American flags, they should impeach George W. Bush.
It's that easy.
Beyond the several hundred million people around the world who have grown to despise what they believe our flag now stands for--unjustified, illegal and pre-emptive war, torture, and imperialism--who is burning the flag???
This is what the Republican controlled Senate is wasting its time with? Horseshit debate over stuff that never happens and, even if it did, wouldn't do shit to one single living American?
We've got two unwon, ongoing wars--neither of which is going particularly well. We have out of control gubment deficits. We've got runaway gubment corruption, the likes of which we haven't seen since Reagan restored honor and dignity to HUD. We've got any number of gubment agencies which appear to be completely disfunctional.
And this is what Republicans feel the urgent need to talk about?
Well, one can only hope Republicans are more serious about this pressing issue than troop withdrawals from Iraq, otherwise next week Rumsfeld might be grilling up the Stars And Stripes at his Fourth Of July barbeque.
This is so dumb. It's so obvious. And unserious. And just dumb. It's dumb, dumb, dumb.
Newspapers and television and magazines should just describe it as what it is: an incredibly stupid, predictable, meaningless waste of our time and money for no other reason than to piss off a bunch of people who don't even understand the form of gubment that flag represents.
And to encourage those dumbasses to vote for a gubment which holds those very same people in such contempt that it thinks it can manipulate them with stupid, idiotic, meaningless debates which it will, on the day after the elections, promptly forget all about for two years until it's time to cheat and decieve the rubes again.
Republicans are so desperate to run the gubment. And so appallingly disinterested in running the gubment.
Doesn't that tell you something? Doesn't that tell you why these louts really want to be in Washington?
who is burning the flag???
I did it. I admit it. After my box turtle girlfriend and I had our unborn human/animal hybrid child aborted, I wrapped the fetus up in a flag along with a yellow ribbon and a Jesus fish and burned the whole thing. And I put it out by pissing on it while singing Dixie Chick songs. Hopefully now I have leapfrogged right to the top of the list as Most Notorious Radical Leftist Outlaw in the U.S.A.
Posted by: The One True Blogger | June 27, 2006 at 08:58 AM
"it thinks it can manipulate them with stupid, idiotic, meaningless debates which it will"
If the easy stuff works, why try harder and make a stand on something that might make people think? It's the "Ooo, shiney!" school of politics; find something to distract the children when they start asking questions, point and say "Ooo, shiney!" and we'll all stop and look and forget that our country has been sold downriver for bits of mylar and wads of foil.
Posted by: Bruce | June 27, 2006 at 12:57 PM
They burn flags on TV
Posted by: Ellen | June 28, 2006 at 12:35 PM
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