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June 28, 2006


Peacechick Mary

Just think of all the congressional perk money we would get back into the IRS coffers! The other thought I have is, does taxing the pimp and the ho, make them legal entities if they pay up? Where do these congress members get these strange ideas? Frankly, I think they are all on some weird drugs. Super excellent post, Ricky.


oh shit. you mean i'm gonna hafta start paying taxes now?


You're a pimp, Cookie?

Brenda Helverson

This reminds me of the State laws (IIRC, including Texas) that required a tax stamp for marijuana sales. You see, they were going to prosecute people who sold weed without tax stamps. As I recall, the stamps became collectors items but as hard as it is to imagine, the law was a complete failure.


i prefer the term "madam," thank you very much. but isn't it all legal offshore?


Oh yes.
That's what this country needs to be dwelling on right now.
That and teaching monkeys how to drink beer.
That should help the country.

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