HARRISBURG, Pa. - House Speaker John M. Perzel defended last year's ill-fated pay-raise legislation by telling a public-television program that some state lawmakers are having money problems and by comparing their salaries with those of tattoo artists.
"We have roughly 30-some members who can't apply for a credit card because their credit's so bad," Perzel said on WITF-TV's Smart Talk program Thursday. "And I know a lot of people out there watching this show have the same exact problem."
I can only assume that, since John Perzel is the Republican Speaker of the House in Pennsylvania that the 30 some other House members who felt comfortable enough to share such personal information as their credit history with John Perzel are also Republicans.
I mean, I can't imagine some Democrat going up to the Republican Speaker of the House and saying, "Jeez, John, my credit's so bad I can't even get a credit card! But, hey! By the way, please don't tell anyone. I'm up for re-election and that's just the kind of thing my Republican opponent could use against me. That's just between me, a Democratic Representative, and you, the Republican Speaker of the House. Okay?"
So, 30 some odd other Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives have such lousy credit that they can't even get credit cards!
Couple of things here:
One, are they involved in the drug trade??? Are they in jail??? Are they in jail because they're involved in the drug trade???
Who the fuck can't get a credit card???
This idiot is trying to tell the people of Pennsylvania that 30 something members of the House have such bad credit they can't even get a credit card? Who does this shithead think is the number one target of companies offering money at nineteen percent interest?
People with good credit?
Jesus, you declare bankruptcy today, and, tomorrow? I guarantee you'll need a dumpster sized mailbox just to handle the blizzard of credit card offers. Credit card companies didn't spend about a bazillion dollars lobbying Congress to pass the worst bankruptcy bill in the history of the world because they don't loan money to people with bad credit.
Credit card companies make their living off of people with bad credit.
Two, personal catastrophes aside, people don't get bad credit because they don't get paid enough. They get bad credit because they can't--or won't--do basic math. They get bad credit because they get paid a certain amount of money--an amount that's known to them--and they spend another amount--also known to them--which is more. Then they can't pay their bills. Then they get bad credit.
See, the problem here is not how much you make. The problem is how much you spend--all the while knowing how much you make. If you're spending more than your salary, it's not as if your spending is responsible and it's your salary which is the problem.
Bizarre, isn't it? This nut, part of the fiscally conservative modern Republican party, seems to think public employees are entitled to a certain lifestyle and the public ought to be ashamed that some employees have wrecked their credit because that lifestyle is in excess of their salaries.
Three, asshole, if you know of at least 30 Republican members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives who are so irresponsible with money that they can't get one credit card, the People of Pennsylvania want their names.
The House of Representatives is largely responsible for how the money of the Pennsylvania taxpayers is spent. And at least thirty of these Representatives are so damn dumb with money that they can't get a credit card? Having thrown that out there, hell, the People of Pennsylvania are entitled to know the long list of Republicans who are too stupid and irresponsible to be trusted with taxpayer money.
These shitheads are the Representatives Republicans have sent to Harrisburg to handle our money???
Let us do a little basic math--something fiscally conservative Republicans seem unable to do: there are about 109 Republicans in Pennsylvania's House of Representatives. According to the Republican Speaker of the House, at least 30 of them have credit so fucked up they can't even get a credit card.
That's right. Twenty eight percent of Republicans in the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania are so irresponsible and profligate with their spending that they can't get a credit card. Nearly a third.
And that ain't Michael Moore saying that. It is, again, the Republican Speaker of the House.
Apparently someone--not the dimwitted Speaker of the House, though--noticed that embarrassing irony:
His spokeswoman Beth Williams said Friday that Perzel was repeating "anecdotal information" given to him by a senior House official. She declined to identify the official and said Perzel did not know the names of legislators with supposed credit problems.
Laugh with me.
It's so stupid and embarrassing, and comical, I'm almost tempted to feel sorry for the people who voted for these fucking jokers. And I probably would, except in the face of such insultingly ludicrous dipshittery, Republicans keep voting for these assholes anyway.
In other words, the Speaker of the House got on television and claimed something was a fact and then his spokeswoman said that, while being a fact, it was largely anecdotal information that Perzel got from sources he doesn't even know.
In other words, Perzel's spokeswoman is saying that, while it's completely true, we should all bear in mind that it's entirely made up. And so the point is still valid.
(And why the fuck does the Speaker of the House of Pennsylvania have a spokesperson at all??? Do the People of Pennsylvania pay for that? How much do they pay? The guy's a state rep. He has a spokesperson? Because he's too busy to talk for himself? In Harrisburg?)
Perzel described lawmakers as board members of a $25 billion corporation - the approximate size of the state budget - whose pay should be tied to congressional salaries.
This is the modern Gee Oh Pee all over. This asshole thinks he's Chairman of the Board of a $25 billion dollar corporation. This is like Bush or Rove. No, dickhead. Members of a board are either owners or represent owners of a business. They own it. Representatives in a democracy are not owners. They're public employees. They don't own the entity they govern. They're employed by it.
At best, their salaries should be tied to their performance--and if you've ever had the jaw-rattling, kidney aching, tire-exploding joy of riding on a Pennsylvania road, you'd probably tie their salaries to a penny over minimum wage.
We won't even go into the property taxes, which go up every year, except the years when we're told property taxes won't go up and, instead, we all get our homes reassessed at about 50% more, or the decrepit and sometimes scary infrastructure, or about the negative population growth from young people fleeing a dying state, or about the tolls which are still on the Pennsylvania Turnpike about thirty years after they were supposed to come down. And we certainly won't talk about how the Pennsylvania Turnpike is always under construction. Always. And, yet, somehow, it never gets any better.
And for that great work, the state of Pennsylvania employs nearly as many Representatives and Senators as the United States federal government. And they pay them $72,000 a piece. For what, no one fucking knows. The state Reps and Senators also get an extremely generous health care package, retirement package, per diem for travel, and a freaking car allowance.
Apparently, some of them also get spokespeople.
All that together? Worth well over a hundred thousand dollars a year.
In a state where the median income is about $35,000. And the majority of jobs are quickly becoming service industry.
You think your Gee Oh Pee gubment cares? Hell, no! They're so crazy and dishonest they say shit like this:
"When I see that a tattoo artist in the city of Philadelphia makes more than a legislator, I think there's a problem," said Perzel, R-Philadelphia. "I thought the members of the General Assembly were worth one-half of what a member of Congress makes."
Most state lawmakers currently are paid $72,187, with annual cost-of-living increases and generous fringe benefits. Perzel is among the legislative leaders who make more than the base salary - nearly $109,000 last year in his case.
A Philadelphia tattoo artist on Friday said the job typically pays about $30,000 in the city.
Just a crazy slip-up? The guy just made a mistake? Wait for it!
Perzel's remarks echoed comments he made in September - and for which
he was ridiculed - that cow-milkers in Lancaster County make as much as
Did he just say "cow-milkers" were making $55,000 a year in Lancaster County? No! He went one better! Immigrant workers are making $55,000 a year milking cows!
"The people who are milking the cows in Lancaster County are making between $50,000 to $55,000 a year. They are immigrant workers. I am trying to point out, you are paying someone to milk the cows $55,000, and you are saying it is excessive that members of the General Assembly make one-half of what a congressman makes."
After his comments, reporters went out to Lancaster County to search for a $55,000-a-year cow milker. The udder was dry. No such farmer could be found.
But Perzel's not totally for wildly crazy overblown, unearned gubment salaries at the taxpayer expense! He does draw the line somewhere!
Perzel also said Thursday it was not fair to pay nearly all representatives and senators the same amount. He named a Democratic representative who was recently elected to fill a vacant seat - Rep. Shawn Flaherty of Allegheny County - to make his point.
"He's there now one month," Perzel said. "I have at least 25 members who have been there 25 years. They get paid this month the exact same amount of money that Shawn Flaherty makes."
Yes, he draws the line at party affiliation. Some people are getting unfairly paid--Democrats.
Look, I know any House of Representatives is bound to be full of wildly idiotic yahoos. That's the point of a House. They should be responsive and reactive to the heated passions of the moment. They should stir up debate about issues which are important to the electorate right then and there!
Then, we have a Senate, which is a little bit more removed from the electorate, which has the luxury of cooly and rationally weighing the pros and cons of public debate and making more reasoned decisions.
Then we have an executive branch which can provide even another level of protection to the hotheads.
Then we have a judicial system, which, if all else fails, can finally say, "All you people have gone berserk! And, I'm afraid, it's illegal."
So, yeah, the House in Wershington is full of hysterical nuts. And Houses in state gubments are made up of people who haven't been smart enough to make it to Wershington, and so are trying to make up for their lack of political skill with a strong public showing of hysteria.
So, fine. I get that.
But this dude, this Perzel, is not some first term Rep from Bumblefuck County. This guy is the Speaker of the Republican House of Representatives for the entire state of Pennsylvania.
He's one of the highest ranking Republican officials--if not the highest ranking--in the state.
And he's entirely full of shit.
He just lies. He just makes things up. It isn't even debatable. He gets on TV and just invents crazy stories which prove his ridiculous points.
He needs to make more money? Why? Because migrant workers milking cows make as much as him! They don't? Well, then tattoo artists make more than him! They don't? Well, then it's not so much him, but 30 members of the House who get paid so little--eighty thousand dollars a year, plus benefits--they can't even get credit cards!
Every now and then, some jackass winds up on my blog and leaves a comment saying I'm so full of irrational hate and so predisposed to hate Republicans that I'm just silly. I can't even address facts rationally because I'm such a hater.
It always makes me laugh, because I'm not really sure who I'm supposed to be hating. Conservatives? I've got no problem with conservatives. My understanding of conservatives is that they're people who are not inclined to take risks or embrace dramatic changes without thoughtful consideration of the possible outcomes.
That's fine with me! Sign me up!
I think nearly every post I've ever posted has had one point--the modern Gee Oh Pee has nothing to do with conservatism. It's got nothing to do with fiscal responsibility. It's got nothing to do with any kind of careful or thoughtful consideration of action. And, finally, it's got nothing to do with any kind of definition of traditional moral values.
It's about soaking the taxpayers.
That's it.
Money for salaries. Money for benefits. Money for boosters. Money for contractors. Money when they leave gubment service and then become high paid lobbyists for the very industries they supposedly formerly regulated.
Good God, if I ever actually saw a truly conservative Republican candidate, fuck, I'd freaking vote for him or her.
Why the hell not? Cut my taxes, cut gubment spending, perform your duties ethically and morally, balance the budget, and keep the dumbass gubment out of the daily lives of Americans who pay for this answer to tyrany.
I'll not only vote for it, hell, I'll grow a big fat ass like Rush Limbaugh, wear a stupid Elephant tie, and gobble Viagra so Manne Coulter or Michelle "Jackpot Baby" Malkin can finally give me a hardon
And I can say that stuff and mean it because it won't ever happen.
It's not about hating Republicans or "conservatives" or "red staters". It's about being violently alarmed at the aristocratic thiefs and liars and propogandists who are, right now, calling for a full court press to steal your national heritage and your national endowment, and, while doing so, are mortgaging your future, at an obscene rate, and besmirching the good name of your country.
It ain't hate. It's wild desperation. Because 49% of the people keep voting for people like Perzel, who think cow milkers make $55,000 a year, and even if they don't, that's still a damn good point.
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