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May 19, 2006



Talk about wagging the dog. We are not supposed to know that Bush et al have driven this nation off a cliff.


Now why don't we ever hear senators with speeches like that? THAT would be a senator I'd vote for...


I'm just watching the sun rise and set. I hate to wish my life away, but two years is not coming fst enough. So much destruction can be done.

Mary - Minnesota

Wagging the dog-now that's classic. This administration is so paranoid of everything that they will do anything to paint people into a corner...the whole English as a first language..well, of coarse that's necessary because anybody who doesn't want to support this will have ten abortions, start to smoke a lot of crack, become a misfit and need to become a lawyer...anyway, i highly doubt anybody at this point sees the hilarity of "mirroring" and "teaching" they are doing by presenting these absurd lessons, nation, we are dumb and now we can watch our president be dumb, whatever...nice rant.....


We should have a national and common and unifying language. It should be American. The British stopped regarding us as English speakers long ago. My reasoning: A) Babel. B) "A nation divided against itself... "Debate" over.

Now...back to the important stuff.

(BTW, the only people in Congress who represent me are (off the top of my head) Waxman and Feingold. Sigh...)


Karl says bashing gay gringos will really juice the base. Muy bueno...


What's with the missing blog?!

The Bottle is completely empty!


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