WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Most American taxpayers would get $100 rebate checks to offset the pain of higher pump prices for gasoline, under an amendment Senate Republicans hope to bring to a vote Thursday...
"Our plan would give taxpayers a hundred dollar gas tax holiday rebate check to help ease the pain that they're feeling at the pump," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced Thursday. "It also includes strong federal anti-price gouging protection to protect consumers against anti-competitive behavior by oil companies or other suppliers of gasoline. Our free market system works, but it works best when there's full accountability and full transparency."
Frist said the rebates would go to single taxpayers making less than $125,000 per year, and couples making less than $150,000.
That's fantastic! Read it again--the Republicans, in Congress, are going to give each taxpayer, making less than $125,000 a year checks for $100 to help "ease the pain" we're feeling at the pump.
Sounds a little Clintonesque, doesn't it? That they're feeling our pain? I'll tell you what isn't Clintonesque about it:
How stupid it is.
Republicans in Congress, who control both houses and are, therefore, just as culpable as the Berzerker In Chief for the mindblowing 400 plus billion dollar a year deficit are going to give about a hundred million Americans checks for a hundred dollars. That's about ten billion dollars.
Only thing is that: not since Bill Clinton ran the country has the gubment actually had ten billion dollars just lying around for general welfare of Muricans. The gubment doesn't have any money.
So the Party of Fiscal Responsibility is proposing to borrow from you ten billion dollars so it can pay you ten billion dollars to help ease your pain. For a while. Until you have to pay back the ten billion dollars you borrowed from yourself.
Plus interest.
Meanwhile, the Disaster In Chief has sprung into action, after doing nothing until gas prices doubled, and immediately, after several years, switched into crisis mode, after waiting until the summer of an election year, and taken measures that, while extreme, will have no effect on anything.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Calling the oil issue a matter of national security, President Bush outlined a plan Tuesday to cut gasoline costs and temporarily stopped deposits to the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve…
"It's less than 30,000 barrels a day in a country that consumes 21 million. That's not even rearranging a single deck chair on the Titanic," said Peter Beutel, president of the energy risk management firm Cameron Hanover.
It's a matter of National Security so, naturally, Bush could give a flying fuck. About results, anyway. He did get some good press out of it. On FOX News and AM radio.
And even though Bush has just recently decided to make a grand meaningless gesture for the sake of national security, the same can't be said of Republicans in Congress.
They've been trying to make a grand meaningless gesture for the sake of national security for years.
Republican senators said they hoped soaring gas prices would inspire Democrats to support their proposals.
"A lot of these other things we're talking about today, supply, like ANWR, have had Democrats oppose them in the past, when gas was $1.25, $1.50. Gas is now $3," said John Thune, R-South Dakota. "I would expect that there would be a lot more bipartisan support for proposals that would increase supply in this country."
"We have been trying for years to do something about supply without their help. I hope now that we'll have their help," he added.
And how will this help?
The Alaska refuge could supply as much as 1 million barrels day at peak
production, drilling supporters said. But they acknowledge that even if
ANWR's oil is tapped, it would have no impact on soaring oil prices and
tight supplies. The first lease sales would not be issued until 2007,
followed by development seven to 10 years later, Interior Secretary
Gale Norton said.
It will take ten years and have no effect on soaring oil prices and tight supplies.
Good God! Why are Democrats not helping Republicans help Americans???
What other great ideas have Republicans had? Well, they've picked a fight with Venezuela. They picked a fight with Canada. And in their drunken sailor spending free for all, they financed China's industrial revolution.
You remember China? That's the country with a billion or so people who are all, courtesy of the Bush Boom, now buying Japanese cars. And building gas stations for them.
But you can't blame this disaster in the making on the Bush administration and it's energy policies. You know why? Because you don't know what our energy policy is. It's secret.
But--shhhh!--it does involve executives from Exxon Mobil Corp., Conoco, Shell Oil Co. and BP America Inc. Also, Ken Lay. So you know it's good for you.
It's certainly been good for Exxon.
But even if our energy policy weren't secret, even if we knew for a fact how awful it was, you still couldn't blame Bush and his Insane Clown Posse for the rise of gas prices. Any attempt to blame a sitting president for the rise in the cost of gas is ridiculous! Any politician, any party which would dare to blame the president and his energy policy or lack thereof for the cost of gas is completely unscrupulous, disingenuous, dishonest, and, frankly, disgusting.
Wait for it! It's too easy!
With oil jumping to over $75 a barrel last week, I thought it would be worth revisiting an item from Idiots 193, published in April 2005. Here for your viewing pleasure are statements that various Republicans made about the Clinton administration back in 2000, when Candidate Bush was blaming President Clinton for oil at around $30 a barrel and gas prices going over a whopping $1.50 per gallon.
Rep. Terry Everett: "The Clinton Administration has failed in its duty to develop a policy to deal with our national energy supply and is therefore directly accountable for the higher prices Americans are now paying at the gas pumps."
Dennis Hastert: "House Speaker Dennis Hastert accused the Clinton administration Friday of misleading members of Congress about the causes of skyrocketing gas prices in the Midwest."
Rep. Wally Herger: "Congressman Wally Herger recently denounced the Clinton-Gore Administration's complacency during the current gas price crisis. 'Northern Californians are being held hostage at the gas pump,' Herger said. 'The Clinton-Gore Administration has demonstrated a complete and total lack of leadership in preventing this problem. It is a clear failure of domestic and foreign policy.'"
Larry Kudlow: "The Clinton-Gore administration's hapless and incoherent management of foreign policy is nowhere as evident as in their bungling on OPEC's oil-price hike. ... While crude oil prices could drop to $25 per barrel, they will stay well above the average $20 real price of oil registered over the past ten years. And way above the $10 worldwide average marginal cost of producing new oil. Meanwhile gas prices at the pump are likely to be upwards of $2 per gallon well into the summer."
Glenn Spencer: "In recent weeks, gas prices have surged to their highest level in a decade. Prices for home heating oil and natural gas are expected to rise by about 30 percent this winter. ... With the Clinton-Gore administration's policies largely to blame for the pain being felt by consumers, Vice President Gore's camp has pulled out all the stops to shift blame away from his own administration."
Various Repubs: "Representatives Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Menomonee Falls), Tom Petri (R-Fond du Lac), Paul Ryan (R-Janesville), and Mark Green (R-Green Bay) today blasted Energy Secretary Bill Richardson and the Clinton-Gore Administration for their failure to implement a comprehensive energy policy to deal with staggering gas prices Wisconsin consumers continue to face at the pumps."
Democrats--Americans--help the Republicans. Help them help you. Vote them the fuck out of Washington. All of them.
Without your help, honestly, they can't stop wrecking your country.
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