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March 29, 2006



Your right Democrats will get the blame win or lose.
Although Bush did blame Saddam Hussein for the violence.

Kit E

The same thought has crossed my mind, and it pains me greatly. I wonder if this is why there is really no republican front runner for the 2008 election currently, maybe they really want to drop this on a democratic president since it really is a no-win situation now. Oh sure, McCain is out there flogging the campaign horse but his age makes this a silly proposition; it's probably him being forced one more time to do the neocon bidding by making it look like a republican really wants to succeed Shrub.

Or maybe the truth is that this bunch is so sure Jeebus is coming to earth in a rain of fire for the unsaved that they see no reason to plan for the future since in their eyes, there is no future. The problem is that their actions are leading us to the "no future" option, and not because of divine intervention but because of the same, tired old reason: unbridled stupidity combined with power. And they wrap it up so nicely in the lag and apple pie, don't they?

click here

Violence is negative. People in general doesn't appreciate such acts.

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