Well, that didn't take long at all. We got stupid in a hurry!
I was just watching Paula Zahn on CNN--and, no, not because I thought that was a good idea. I was frantically hitting the clicker, but nothing was happening. I was in a cold sweat panic. No matter how much I cursed the technology, or tried the modern man's remedy--banging the remote and calling it a "piece of shit"--the channel remained the same. I couldn't understand it.
It was only later that a neighbor stopped by to ask me if I knew my garage door was going up and down like crazy that I...well. The TV works fine. That's all you need to know.
But Paula, who makes a fortune, on CNN, spent about a half an hour saying, and I'm not making this up, "Well, Scooter Libby was not charged with leaking Valery Plame's name. So the question is: if Scooter Libby didn't leak her name, who did? And if Scooter Libby didn't leak Valery Plame's name, is this whole investigation simply politics?"
Jesus Christ.
The indictments are only a couple of hours old and the "liberal" media is nearly as stupid and confused as they were over hanging and dimpled chads and butterfly ballots.
Libby leaked the name. Repeatedly. It's in the fucking indictment, you dumbasses.
The fact that Fitzgerald didn't indict Libby under the Espionage Act or the Intelligence Identities Protection Act or any other act doesn't mean Libby didn't leak Plame's identity to the press and public.
It just means Fitzgeral doesn't think he could prove Libby knew Plame was a covert operative and Libby was intentionally revealing her covert identity.
Under any of those acts, you can unknowingly or accidentilly reveal a covert operative's identity and not face criminal charges. To oversimplify the criminal act, you must:
One: reveal the identity of a covert operative; and
Two: know that the operative was covert.
The incredibly lame and unbelievable defense of Libby is that he didn't know Plame was a covert operative. Neither Libby nor Fitzgerald, nor anyone in the world has reasonably suggested that Libby didn't leak Plame's identity.
He did. He lied about it. He's been charged with lying about it. The prosecutor has emphatically alleged that Libby did it. There is no question regarding who revealed Plame's covert identity.
The only question is: Did Libby know Plame was actually covert. That's it.
There is no question who leaked her identity to the press and public.
And, yet, within hours of the indictment, here's Paula Zahn, on CNN, wondering if Libby didn't leak Plame's identity, who did? And if Libby didn't leak Plame's identity, should he be charged with any crime?
And this idiocy is on television. And it will be on television and radio and in the newspapers for months to come.
Douchebags, Libby leaked Plame's identity! Libby has not been charged with a crime unrelated to Plame's outing! He's been charged with lying in such a way that the government will never, ever be able to prove whether he leaked Plame's identity with knowledge and intent. That's it.
Maybe he had knowledge and intent. Maybe--if you're insane--he didn't. But the government will never be able to prove it, since Libby has insisted on lying to the FBI and the grand jury.
But no one--not Libby, not the prosecutor--is denying that Libby leaked Plame's identity.
Except CNN. And probably FOX News. And MSNBC. And The Washington Post. Probably The New York Times, as well. Newsweek might say that, too. And, blah, blah, blah, blah...
Fuck. Let's just pardon Libby now and he can join O.J. out on the golf course, the two of them can delve into the tall grass, looking for Nicole's killer and the leaker of Valery Plame's identity.
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