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September 13, 2005


Jigme Chhimi

I just got in to work this morning and read the news and I was wondering Wow -- Timing is everything... Dood Great minds think alike. :D


I didn't hear any of that. What a coincidence, and what an ass!

You do realize there are differences between 'well-trained' soldiers and 'training' soldiers, don't you? Unless my numbers are wrong there are currently over 100,000 enlisted of those approximately 3,000 are well trained, which means there are free standing with no U.S. assitance, i.e. troops that are not embedded with U.S. military personnel. Also, before you go bad mouthing our military and our country for brining people out of the dark ages, maybe do some freaking research on the other 95% of the story that the MSM does not show. Like Iraqis going to school for the first time, women being able to vote, hell anyone being able to vote. If you would take five minutes to pull you're head from your ass you'd see that what we are doing over there is good and necessary. You make me sick. Democrats are supposed to be the party of the people, but lately you are the party of whining about anything and everything that isn't about the Democrats.


There are no Iraqis going to school for the first time. Women will have fewer rights under the new Islamic Republic of Iraq. And no one on this blog has badmouthed the military.

And the trained/well trained distinction is goofy. If they are not well trained enough to do the job, why bring them up?

It's intentionally misleading by the Bush administration.

Though, if you could read, you would realize that the misleading distinction is not something that I've missed.

You are living in a fantasy world, having arguments with imaginary people.

Stop surfing blogs and go seek help.

Read the captions under the pictures and see if anything jumps out at you...No? This situation is being handled by IRAQI soldiers, not Americans. You want proof that Iraqis are taking over, here's some


Would that be the Islamic Republic of Iraq? Fantastic!

I never thought I'd live to see the day, when with so little American sacrifice and money, there would actually be an Islamic Republic in the mideast.

It brings tears to my eyes.

And wow! That proof is conclusive! Who could argue with a single news story? With your grasp of evidence, your keen understanding of the difference between anecdotal and proof, you must be a lawyer!

Bring the troops home then!

You're silly.


I'm sorry. What was I thinking.

That's even lamer evidence than I thought. It's not an article. It is, as you said, just a caption under a picture!

There it is! Proof! A picture caption!

You're beyond silly. Stop wasting your time on blogs and go learn something.

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