This morning the Wall Street Journal reported that Senate Democrats were planning “to grill Bush confidant Karen Hughes” about her involvement in the ever widening leak-case. But, Senate Democrats must have gotten lost on the way to the hearing. Not one showed up.
Instead of any substantive questions, the Democrats simply didn’t show up. But we did get this statement from ranking minority member Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE)…
I am particularly interested in and supportive of the nomination of Karen Hughes to be undersecretary of state for public diplomacy ... I believe that she is highly qualified because of her professional background, and, importantly, enjoys the full confidence of the president and the secretary of state.
What does Joe Biden think Karen Hughes is so qualified to do? What exactly is the undersecretary of state for public diplomacy all about?
WASHINGTON, March 14 - Karen P. Hughes, one of President Bush's closest advisers, was nominated today to be under secretary of state for public diplomacy and given the mission of trying to repair the image of the United States around the globe, especially in the Arab world...
That's right. Karen Hughes' appointment is to be the American embassador to the Arab world. Her job is to repair the image of the United States which Bush so thoroughly trashed.
To me, that sounds like a really important job. Particularly in light of the fact that 3000 Americans were killed by angry Arabs on September 11th. Particularly in light of the fact that the whole trillion dollar, America altering War on Terra is based on the ill will of some Arabs, some Muslims, towards the United States.
So, to me, that sounds like just about the most important government job there is right now. And it sounds like a job that would require a really keen insight into the Arab world--an understanding of the culture, familiarity with the customs and traditions, the beliefs, the prejudices, the grievances--the mindset--of the Arab world, knowledge of the history of the Arab world, and probably speaking some Arab language wouldn't hurt.
And Joe Biden, who couldn't be bothered to even fucking show up for the confirmation hearing--he sent a letter!--says that he feels Karen Hughes' is highly qualified because of her "professional" background.
And what is Karen Hughes' "professional" background?
Mrs. Hughes is a former Executive Director of the Republican Party of Texas and a former television news reporter for KXAS-TV, the NBC affiliate in Dallas/Fort Worth. Mrs. Hughes is a Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude graduate of Southern Methodist University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Journalism. She is an elder and long time Sunday school teacher in the Presbyterian church. She is married with a grown stepdaughter and a teenage son, and tried to bring a “Mom’s perspective” to our nation’s public policy debate.
Yep. Read it again.
She was a small market TV reporter in Dallas/Fort Worth. With a B.A. in English and a B.F.A. in Journalism. Oh, yeah, she's also an elder and Sunday school teacher in the Presbyterian church.
Shit, if you had magical powers, you really could not even dream up a person with more experience, more expertise, more knowledge, more understanding, more insight into the Arab world than Karen Hughes.
Hell, anybody who knows anything knows that Southern Methodist University's unofficial nickname is "The Texas Arabs"! Beyond that, English is like the third or fourth language of most Arabs. And, finally, she's an extremely abrasive and obnoxious bleach blonde American woman, who is sure to act as a soothing balm to those extremely sexist, Western hating fundamentalist Muslims who keep blowing shit up.
Again, you could not have dreamt up a better candidate for such an important job.
At least, not since Ariel Sharon already has a job.
And Joe Biden, the ranking Democrat, who didn't even bother to show up, says--sorry--writes "she is highly qualified because of her professional background".
And this turd--Biden, not Hughes--is thinking about making a run for the White House as a Democratic candidate???
What an idiot.
Give it up, Joe. Switch parties now. It's not too late. You've still got time and you're easily incompetent enough to still get a job in the Bush administration.
As for the Democratic party? You ain't getting dick from us. Except contempt.
It's only fair, after all.
I hope it turns out that Biden was bound, gagged, and forced to write that pansy-ass note at gunpoint. Now, had this nomination come from anyone other than Chimpy, we could assume that the whole "concerned mom" and "church elder" stories were too absurd to be anything other than a CIA front organization or something of that nature. But in this case, she probably is that thoroughly unqualified for the position. So, following in the footsteps of Kerik, Bolton, Rice, and Rice again, I guess she should be rewarded for her incompetence. I wonder if she listed "carefully studied the technique demonstrated by Our Leader on how to properly make out with foreign dignitaries while taking a leisurely stroll through the gardens of Texarabia"
Perhaps there was a good reason for not taking interest in actually interviewing her... Either its because members of Chimpy's Dream Team have all the persnality and intelligence of a wet noodle (and who wants to try to carry on a conversation with one of those), or its due to the realization that there is no possible way to improve how the world views us as long as this country is being run by a war profiteer. Compared to the damage he's causing, she probably couldn't make things much worse.
Posted by: Scott | July 23, 2005 at 03:38 AM
Biden deserted in the face of the enemy on the Bankruptcy vote, so I don't expect much more than the occassional sound bite from Joey anymore.
Posted by: DA | July 24, 2005 at 12:45 PM
Watching the Democrats is sort of like watching a "Bad News Bears" kids rec team. Team (Goppers) continues to win by pounding away at the Democrat team, who just can't get themselves together.
How ironic that the Republicans continually remark about those "angry Democrats" and the "liberal media", all the while trying to convince the General Public they are true "bipartisan" team. The Democrats needs to learn how to play ball as a TEAM, and fast.
Posted by: trueleigh | July 25, 2005 at 10:24 AM
Honestly dood -- the thing about the bush camp and reps piss me off but to make matters worse -- I am sick of our Dem. Reps up there a bunch of whinny pussies --- shit if this was a democratic office they would be grilling clinton on a spit --- all he did was get a BJ and he got grilled imagine if he were screwing this country like these aholes.!
Posted by: Chhimi Jigme | July 25, 2005 at 02:20 PM
Did y'all hear about how Diane Feinstein, the Democrat from California all but defended Roberts against answering questions about the descrepancy between what he says and what the Federalist Society says about his membership in the Society?
Does his charisma just make all women turn to putty in his hand, or is she just as weak as Biden?
Posted by: cookie | July 25, 2005 at 09:01 PM
Maybe the Dems are taking advise from Hillary. I don't know that much about Roberts, but I have to wonder if the Dems are thinking " if we don't pick him, the next one could be even worse" . . .
Posted by: trueleigh | July 26, 2005 at 12:38 PM
Personally, I don't think ANY woman should be sent to the arab world to compromise. (Even though that word isn't in the simian's vocabulary.) They don't respect our male leaders, let alone any of our women. This is NOT the time to get a woman over there trying to work things out. Stupid idea. It's like pouring salt on an open wound.
Posted by: Ellen | July 26, 2005 at 11:25 PM
All of Bush's picks stink like cat piss. For that matter, so does Bu$h.
As for the Dems, they sink to lower levels every day while endlessly trying to wheedle money out of working class Dems on their useless promises of change. I am disgusted with them all.
Posted by: gbreez | July 27, 2005 at 01:24 AM
Just wait till she brings a "Mom's perspective" the Arab world.
Posted by: Elke Sisco | July 27, 2005 at 07:23 PM