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May 20, 2005



Ey, no rush ... I'll be checking out your speedo while you ... umh, do whatever it is you do with your monkey. Errr. Blush.

Sitting in my office, the closest book is "Eric Meyer on CSS", and the three sentences on page 123 are:

"We can also see that the sidebar cells have collapsed to no width at all. This has happened because they have no visual content, and that's generally a good thing. We can use them to achieve another design goal, though: that of making the article text not quite as wide as the page."

But that's too geeky ... I'll give you another one when I get home tonight.


How great is this! The nearest book is the BOOK I AM WRITING! My novel! How often does someone ask you to read the first three sentences on page 123 of YOUR OWN BOOK! HA! It's definitely a redletter day. BEHOLD!

"I remember a slight taste when I looked at my children as babies, almost remeber the smell of their milk, curdled and sour or sweet, how their shit was proud confirmation of the earth from which they sprung, the smell of it loamy and sweet. And that was what I must have remembered. I'm lost."


I am going to take a guess here and say Kerouac, "On The Road"? Sounds familiar. Or maybe Hunter S. Thompson?


The only second-person present-tense book that comes to mind is Bright Lights, Big City.


Damn, Karen, that didn't take you long at all.


Tom Robbins has a book in second person. I think it's Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas. (No, not paisley pajamas, but frog pajamas).

And thank you so much, Ricky for passing me the Really Hard Music Meme and not this easy one.

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