BRATISLAVA, Slovakia - Struggling to repair troubled relations, President Bush (news - web sites) prodded Vladimir Putin (news - web sites) on Thursday about Moscow's retreat from democracy but the Russian leader bluntly rejected the criticism and insisted there was no backsliding…
Four years after Bush said he had gotten a sense of Putin's soul and found him trustworthy, the two leaders talked for 2 1/2 hours at a hilltop castle in hopes of easing mounting distrust between Moscow and Washington. Bush said he had not changed his opinion of Putin and wanted to remain friends.
How insane is that? Our prenzit, the leader of the free world, is out there just gettin’ a sense o’ people’s souls! He’s looking into their souls and deciding if they’re trustworthy!
I mean, can you imagine, if you showed up to work on Monday morning, and your boss said, “You know, I’ve been thinking about that contract with Putin Corp., and, never mind all that legal mumbo jumbo, I met the president of Putin Corp., and I got a good sense of his soul. I think he’s trustworthy. We’re going to go ahead on this deal!”
Can you imagine if you called some baby sitter service, and when enquiring about the sitter they had lined up for your newborn, some service representative said to you, “Well, I’ve gotten a good sense of your baby sitter’s soul and I find her to be trustworthy”?
You ever buy a used car after getting a sense of the seller’s soul???
Outside of Alcoholics Anonymous, can you think of any situation where any sane person would say, “I’ve gotten a good sense of their soul and I find them to be trustworthy”???
And this is our president. Talking about the president of Russia! Like a fucking fortune teller, or some shit.
It’s insane talk. It’s the talk of a nutty woman who hasn’t worn anything but nightgowns for ten years and has 300 cats in her house.
I’ve got a sense of your soul.
Shit, my parents—a couple of immoral, valueless liberals—have been married for forty fucking years—which is, again, for you values voters, about twenty times longer than every single one of Rush Limbaugh’s marriages—and they still can’t sense enough of each other’s souls to not piss the holy bejesus out of one another on your average Wednesday afternoon.
After forty years.
Though, still, for you values voters, unlike Rush Limbaugh, or Newt Gingrich, or Ronald Reagan, my liberal parents never got divorced.
They’re still married. Like the Clintons. And the Carters.
But they still can’t get a sense of each other’s souls.
What utter gibbering nonsense. What insane delusional blabbering. And your “liberal” media treats that nutball statement like, hey, it could happen!
Why not? We had a Magic Eight Ball for a National Security Advisor. We had an Attorney General who liked to anoint himself with oil like the ancient Hebrew kings. Why not a President who conducted foreign policy by sensing other people’s souls?
Though, it’s a mystery why Bush could sense Putin’s soul, but couldn’t sense that there weren’t any WMDs in Iraq. I guess his mystical powers of perception only go so far.
How fucking nuts is that?
"This is the kind of fellow who, when he says `Yes,' he means yes, and when he says `No,' he means no," Bush said…
Although, when Putin has said “yes”, he’s often meant “no”. When Putin’s said “no”, he’s often meant “yes”. He was a former lieutenent colonel in the KGB, you know. Though, of course, Bush didn’t know that. Because he’s an idiot. But he’s sensed Putin’s soul.
In public, Putin compared his move to end direct popular election of regional governors to the American process of electing presidents through the Electoral College (news - web sites) rather than by the results of the popular vote. "And it's not considered undemocratic, is it?" Putin said…
No. Every where else in the world, it would be considered “undemocratic”. But not in America. And I can't tell you how happy I am that America, my America, under Bush, is now the example of why the rest of the world can subvert democracy, or torture people, or wage pre-emptive wars, or ignore the Geneva Convention or the United Nations.
Get it, yet, you value voting, conservative dunderheads?
We've lost our moral authority. All we have, under Bush, is forcefull authority.
But getting back to the world wide Monkey tour, of course, such a statement from Putin left our soul sensing jabber Monkey beady eyed and slack jawed.
But while saying that a free press is the sign of a healthy society, Bush added, "Obviously there has got to be constraints. There's got to be truth."
Hoo-hoo! Anyone? It’s too funny to be believed. Bush is concerned about the “free press” telling the truth. Anyone? Be my guest. It’s too fucking stupid to be believed.
What a moron. What an utter horrid, stupid monster you values voters have unleashed on my great country.
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