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January 29, 2005



Yes, that Katherine Harris sure has some INTEGRITY. Such a thorough evaluation of Chilean policy could not possibly have been accomplished by just calling the ruling elite on the phone to ask if the situation turned out alright for them. So, she selflessly gave her time and energy (though probably not any of her own money, that would just be silly), to actually GO to Chile to be wined and dined by the rich. And yeah, sure enough, she was able to find many people who will confirm that its a really good policy. Guess what else? She didn't find one single person that thought it was a bad plan. Not one at all. Of course, she might've just not looked very hard. Or at all.

Katherine Harris - woman of integrity. A true Republican.


Katherine Harris is salt on the wound.


In this state, Katherine Harris IS the wound!


Does. Not. Compute.

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