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January 28, 2005



And Crawford and Jacksonville, Oregon and who knows where?


The Denver Prick Department thinks their trigger-happy cops should be allowed to murder. Oh alright, if you insist, how about a one-day fine. Sound fair to you? Of course, killing minorities is an okay thing to do, its the "call to his ex-mother-in-law and excessive use of the cellphone on duty" they want him penalized for, not the killing. After all, its not like slain kid was white or anything, but I'll just bet the ex-mother-in-law was.


Scott -

I loved the bit, "The decision of the Hearing Officer involves policy considerations that may have effect beyond the case at hand..." Meaning "We may rethink the policy of shooting to death retarded 15-year-olds."

Let's just ignore the fact that this cop is mentally disturbed. OK? He was sorta within policy.

But I will still front the LAPD against any egregious actions by other cops and egregious decisions by the their governing boards or courts. My absolute all-time favorite was this (can't find a link...sorry, you'll have to trust my memory!):

An old black lady hadn't been able to pay her gas bill for months. The gas company guy went to her home to turn off the service. She came out on her porch with a kitchen knife and told him to go away. Carloads of LAPD showed up to "enforce" the right of the gas company to let her die of hypothermia.

She showed the bad sense of "brandishing" the knife at the PD. Several officers faced her and ordered her to put down the knife. Probably just tired of a lifetime of abuse, she threw the knife. Sort of in their direction. Injuring none of them. Now, wrap your mind around this: she had just disarmed herself by throwing the knife. They are faced by a frail, elderly, unarmed "suspect." The response? They shot her 19 times.



Here is a more contemporary account of the shooting I describe (innacurately) above.

Remember that the incident occured on Chief Daryl (" some blacks when the choke hold is applied, the veins or arteries do not open up like in normal people.") Gate's watch, when ""The problem with the application of (the choke) hold in Los Angeles in 1979 and 1980 was that 17 young men died as a result of this choke hold. Fifteen were black and two were brown..."


The same murderous cop had been put on suspension like a year prior to that incident for shooting and killing another black person. See the pattern? Kill someone in the ghetto, get a paid vacation, repeat the following year.

Without ANY special training, you and I could pretty easily tell the difference between a handicapped kid that may well just drop a knife on himself and say a Chuck Norris type that perhaps could actually throw a knife into your head from 15 feet away. Say the kid could/would decide to throw it. Unless the only physical fitness activity performed by that cop was dunking donuts, the chances of him being able to dodge/deflect a knife are pretty high, and the chance of that being in any way close to fatal to a cop are slim to none. There was no good description of the knife either. Was it a butter knife? Would a butter knife fit the definition of "weapon" justifying killing someone for? Multiple officers, at least one officer with a nonlethal taser, up against one slow-moving kid. And this stupid trigger-happy racist pig cost the city over a million dollars in the wrongful death case due to *this* incident. Sure, "wrongful death" is not held to the same criteria as murder, but if it wasn't a pig that had done the shooting, say some mere mortal heard their neighbor calling for help and they went over and shot their neighbors kid from 15 feet away claiming they felt "threatened" enough that it was self-defense, would ANY jury buy that load of crap? When you add in that pig's history of killing blacks, it begins to look less like a justified action and more like he decided there were no witnesses other than cops which basically meant he knew he could kill and get away with it because they stick up for their own. Just like the fascists they are.

Common sense should apply to the situation. Merely having a rule stating that cops get to shoot and kill and get away with it if the suspect has any item which could be called a weapon. Have you ever gotten a paper cut? Those things are nasty. Could they be justified in shooting me if I hand someone my business card too fast? Just because a person has a knife, even a really sharp knife that can cut through a tin can and a tennis shoe and still make perfect french fries, does NOT necessarily imply they could actually harm you or any other person, especially at a distance and especially if you are the one approaching them. Might be different if someone with a knife was hunting you down and had you backed into a corner.

Bottom line: This world does not need racially-biased pricks like that running around killing under the guise of law. Fine, chalk it up to insanity and get him some mental help. Sounds like he's probably earned himself a restraining order from the ex-mother-in-law. There are probably a few black neighborhoods and churches that, even if only for the publicity, should file for a restraining order against that pig because they, and legitimately so, have reason to fear for their lives when he is around. It is typical for restraining orders to require the defendant to not possess any firearms while the order is in effect. Keeping guns out of that pig's hands could only serve to help the whole town feel safer.

How many more strikes does he need til he's out? Getting paid vacations for performing racially-biased hate crimes does not exactly send the message that doing so is in any way a "bad" thing. If anyone else had done the same thing, they would've gotten a vacation alright, complete with bright orange jammies and 3 bland meals a day.

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