Who let Weeping Joe Lieberman into the convention? Haven't we suffered enough from his stupidity? Isn't one presidential campaign disaster enough from this clown?
If you don't think so, let me refresh your memory:
LIEBERMAN.... I think if you asked most people in America today that famous question that Ronald Reagan asked, "Are you better off today than you were eight years ago?" Most people would say yes. I'm pleased to see, Dick, from the newspapers that you're better off than you were eight years ago, too.
CHENEY: I can tell you, Joe, the government had absolutely nothing to do with it. (LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE)
MODERATOR: This question is to you.
LIEBERMAN: I can see my wife and I think she's saying, "I think he should go out into the private sector."
CHENEY: I'll help you do that, Joe.
Oh, if only Cheney had kept just one of his campaign promises!
Every time Joe Lieberman opens his stupid mouth, Democrats lose a hundred thousand votes.
Joe, isn't there a senior fellowship for you at the American Enterprise Institute or something? And, if not, can you please fuck off, anyway?