An email to Atrios:
Last night we showed a clip of the President giving a speech. Behind him stood a lad who was obviously bored silly. The 14-year-old or so yawned, scratched, yawned, yawned, checked his watch, bent over, stared at the ceiling, and then fell asleep during the President's speech. It was very funny. So funny, in fact, that CNN replayed the clip Tuesday during their broadcasts. But, but, but, the first time is was shown, CNN anchorwoman Daryn Kagan reported that the White House said the clip was a total fake, it was merely the Late Show having fun with their ability to edit and do TV tricks. Dave says what the CNN reporter said was an out and out 100% lie. A couple hours later, CNN anchor person Kyra Phillips reported that the kid was at the speech but not where the Late Show had him. Dave again makes the claim, "That's an out and out absolute 100% lie. That kid was exactly where we said he was." It's true. The speech was at a Florida Rally on March 20th at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Dave is irked that the White House was trying to make him look like a jerk. But he's glad he got his side of the story out in the open.
Sounds bizarre, doesn't it? That the White House would lie to CNN regarding a clip on a comedy show and that CNN and would report that lie? And then when CNN and the White House are caught lying, they would revise their stories and lie again about something as trivial as a comedy clip?
I mean, come on. Even Nixon wasn't that crooked and paranoid to lie about the clips on late night TV! You'd have to be absolutely bat shit crazy and "I think I'm Napolean" egomaniacal to lie to CNN about a fucking comedy clip on late night TV!
And CNN would have to be completely without journalistic ethics to honestly report a ding-bat lie like that, as if it were true. Wouldn't they? I mean, if CNN were to report some Hitler in his bunker insane gibberish from the White House about a fucking comedy bit as if it were true, without even checking if a silly comedy bit was true, then you would seriously have to doubt the objectivity and reliability of CNN, wouldn't you?
Good. Hit the links.It's fucking unbelievable.
I thought I had grown paranoid. Whenever I watched CNN, I thought there was a distinctive pattern to their news reports. If the story was something negative about Kerry, it would start off with a negative accusation about Kerry, followed by a statement by Kerry, and then completed with a statement from the Bush campaign.
But, whenever there was a negative story about Bush, it would start off with the accusation about Bush, and end with a rebuttal by the Bush campaign.
It was, and is, strange. No matter what the story, the last word in the CNN report is from the Bush campaign. No matter what.
Anyway, I've been noticing this for months, and, yet, I've never mentioned it to anyone--not even CNN, in one of my cranky emails. It was just too weird. I thought I've obviously gone round the bend in my partisan desires to see Bush defeated and I'm getting as crazy as a Republican, as the old saying goes.
And even though, I would sit and watch hours of CNN and CNN Headline News, and I would see it again and again, I would shake my head and tell myself I'm just imagining some pattern.
Watch the clips. Watch not one, but two, CNN anchors actually lie, actually repeat a White House lie over something as silly as a fucking late night comedy clip, watch the CNN anchors repeat a ridiculous White House revision of their story, and then join me in my paranoia.
Christ, I thought just Rudi Bahktiar was a lying, idiotic tool of the administration.
Liberal media, my ass.
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